Sunday, March 29, 2009 changing...literally

I know I have written about specific movies for the past few weeks but I am going to ask you to bear with me because I am going to write about one specific movie again this week. For one, I really truly enjoyed this movie and two because I am completely out of ideas otherwise and I need one more week to brainstorm. Sorry! I apologize in advance to you guys reading this week's blog because this is truly more of a "chic flick" than any of my other picks so far.

So yesterday, I watched Fireproof with Stephen and we both decided that it is a great movie, as long as you can survive the slightly cheesy acting sprinkled throughout it.

Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a heroic fire captain cherishes service to others and dedication above and beyond everything. As a firefighter, he knows that you never leave your partner behind, but the most significant partner in his life, his wife Cathryn, played by Erin Bethea, is beginning to spark with what promises to turn into destructive, hate-filled flames. Caleb's father however, is determined to help his son find his way back to Jesus and back to loving and cherishing his wife like he did when they were first married. He sends his son "The Love Dare" which is a 40 day "activity/book" that gives the reader a task and verse for each day. The reader must attempt each task and do so with their whole heart in order for the dare to be successfull. It's a challenging, trying task that really tests the readers heart and motives, especially in the first twenty days. Caleb finds Jesus, his love and his forgiveness on day 21 and from there he truly wants to prove to his wife that he still loves her and wants to be with her and he goes at the remaining 18 days with all his heart. He succeeds but not without thinking he was too late to win back his wifes trust and love. His father, and mother, brought him and his wife back to the faith and to each other.

You cannot give love away to someone that you do not have yourself.


  1. I completely agree with you about this movie: cheesy acting, excellent message. I was more inspired by this movie than I was by any of the Academy Award nominees for best picture. It wasn't very subtle about it's godly messages, but that's what I liked about it, it didn't beat around the bush. I especially liked how Cameron was complaining to his father that he couldn't love Kathryn if she didn't love him back.
    "How am I supposed to love her when she keeps rejecting me?"
    And then the dad goes right by a huge cross, "That's a good question."
    I am very Pro-Fight For Your Marriage, and this movie showed that even in the darkest times, you can get through it. With God, of course.

  2. I just watched that movie a few weeks ago and I do think it is a good movie. I think that the values portrayed in the movie are very true. Marriage is not something that should be lightly dealt with. Without a correct understanding of Jesus, there is a misunderstanding of what marriage is. I think that the movie is for guys to see too.
