Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Farewell To An Interesting Class

I know we're supposed to "technically" write about a medium, but being as how this is the last blog post for the semester, I figured, "What the heck? I'll say goodbye and reflect."

I will be taking away from this class a lot of knowledge that I previously did not store in the depths of my brain cells. I learned quite a bit of very interesting information that I did not know I enjoyed knowing and also information that I could've survived, and enjoyed surviving, without knowing (some information we took in was a little graphic and a little biased - but hey, technically, all information is biased in some way, shape or form).

My favorite part of the class had to be the chapter presentations by my fellow classmates. I really enjoyed seeing what they found most important and interesting out of the chapters they selected. It is a different way to learn and I think I took away a lot more information away from the class because it wasn't the same technique or process everyday as it would be if just one person, such as the teacher, taught everyday. My least favorite part of the class was the theory project and the amount of homework. I understand that the homework is necessary but I had 21 credits this past semester and all the homework was difficult for me to keep up with. I did not really care for the theory project because it was extremely difficult to find information for especially since we couldn't use the book for a source. I enjoyed working with my group, we had fun, but I did not like the project itself.

The material we learned in class will definitely influence the way I view advertisements, movies, TV shows, music videos, read a paper, magazine or a book. I learned a great deal and will apply it to the rest of my life and my career.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bashed In On All Sides

Have you ever stopped to think about how many different forms of media there are out there today? I mean, really stopped to think about it; as in, you've sat down, made a list then sat back and uttered a barely discernable: wow! Well, I did today as I worked on homework for 3 different classes. The number of individual "mediums" is astounding. It blew my mind today when I actually focused to see just how much we are having thrown at us and from how many different angles.

First off, here is the list a came up with this afternoon: (I probably should've just kept working on homework, but let's face it...I/we have been doing that non-stop for the past three weeks now and it was TOTALLY a break worth taking--gave me my blog idea didn't it?)

`phone calls
`text messages
`social web-sites
`bathroom stalls
`bus and van sides
`airplane banners

I am sure there are many more that could be added to the list but that's all my stretched, taxed mind could think of.  We wake up and media smacks us in the face. The TV, our phones, our books, our drive to and from work or school, our computer, and anything else you could possibly imagine subject us to multiple forms of media every second possible.

With all of the media we consume in a day it is amazing that we do not spew random bits of information at random times. It is amazing that girls even know what the "self-confidence" means; we do not have it, but we at least know that it exists.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pressure on youth in today's society

Alright, I might be pushing the bill here a little bit because the topic I've chosen to write about for this week's blog is not exactly a medium or about a medium but is more about what really caught my attention while watching one of my favorite shows. I was trying to decide what to write for this week and was having a difficult time figuring out what to do.

To try and trigger my creative juices I started flipping through channels and found that Law and Order: Special Victims Unit was on. Stephen and I started watching it and the episode really caught my attention. The episode was entitled Hothouse. In this episode Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler discover a 14-year old girl's body in the Hudson River. As they dig deeper trying to discover the girl's true identity, they uncover the world of elite boarding schools and the deep dark secrets the "hallowed halls" conceal. They discover that 14-year old's name is Elsa Lychkoff, the daughter of compulsive gambler, Joseph Lychkoff, who was abusive to both of his daughters until he kicked his oldest daughter out at age 16 because he felt Elsa had more potential and he couldn't waist his time with his oldest anymore. Elsa was offered multiple scholarships and her father was offered monetary gifts just to send her to the boarding school because she is a child prodigy with an incredibly high IQ. The detectives eventually discover that Elsa's roommate, Jennifer Banks, was the one who stabbed her three times in the chest with her pen, bashed her head against the ferry boat railing four times, then pushed her into the Hudson River. Elsa had been ignoring Jennifer and Jennifer just wanted to clear the air and talk to her but Elsa overreacted and pushed Jennifer. Jennifer, having not slept for six days due to taking an ADD prescription in order to stay awake and cram for up-coming finals, was suffering from Sleep Deprivation Psychosis when she committed the murder. Jennifer had the emotions and feelings of a child but the intelligence of an adult. The pressure to be on top, to be the best, pushed Jennifer, Elsa, and every other pupil in that school to go to extreme measures. The faculty and staff of the school, according to Jennifer, even gave students the tools and tricks to get psychiatrists to prescribe medicines that would help them stay awake for days on end and focus for hours on end.

All of this information led me to think about the amount of pressure that is put on today's youth to succeed, to be the best, to be better than anyone and everyone else. The pressure is so great that they/we find anyway we can to cope with the pressure and the stress. Whether it is drugs, prescription or illegal, alcohol, cutting, or yes, even more constructive habits, we will do whatever it takes to impress our superiors and be the individual who comes out on top and is recognized and praised for our work and talents. Think about this: are we forcing our youth into an environment where they are forced to use performance "enhancers" to achieve the goals WE set for them? Or an environment where the focus on one goal so thoroughly that they can lose sight of reality and even lose their sanity?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Being A Refugee

With the flooding and chaos and the sewer system collapsing in our "beloved" Valley City, North Dakota, my boyfriend and I decided to obstain from being a futher burden on the city and it's crews and retreat to our families homes. We spent a week in Washburn with Stephen's family and when he left for Anaheim, California for the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) for the Delta Epsilon Chi competition on this past Tuesday, I headed to my hometown of good ole Portland, North Dakota. He joined me here today after I retrieved him from the Fargo airport and drove through the pouring rain back home. (Like rain is all we need to add to the already existing wonderful conditions right?! Nah, but the snow we got this evening and throughout the night is definitely not asked for.) We're going to hang out here for this week then it's one more trip to Washburn for Stephen's brothers' confirmation and then hopefully home to the wonderful apartment which we have not spent any time in for about a month now. Ok, maybe just 2 1/2 weeks but that's still a long time to be away from your home and the comfort of your own bed.

I love seeing our families and being able to spend time with the people I love, especially since we do not see them so oftern, but I also miss the comforts of my own house. I miss being able to just lounge around without being asked to do something or be in someones way, I miss sleeping in my own bed, and most of all, I miss my own bathroom (sharing a bathroom with my two teenage brothers (who are kind of slobs) is NOT my idea of a "vacation"). At least I do not have to use the porta potties that now occupy the streets of Valley City. I love camping and I love being outdoors but I draw the line at porta potties; they just give me the willies. I have enjoyed spending time with family and friends, but I cannot wait to return to my own home.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Issue With Today's Society

Stephen and I went and saw "I Love You, Man" in theaters for a date yesterday and I have to say one thing...really?! I mean, is the movie industry seriously that hard up for ideas that they have to resort to such poor content quality? Don't get me wrong, I thought it was hilarious and I enjoy slap-stick comedy every now and then just as much as the next person but I don't think movies need to be that crude or distasteful. When you get embarrassed WATCHING the movie play out, you know it's bad. My dad discouraged us from going to see it, but there wasn't another film showing at that particular theater that Stephen wanted to see. I personally think Hollywood has to reevaluate their morals and the messages they are portraying to the youth and the general population of today's society. When every other word in a film is a cuss word or referring to sex of some sort, I think it's sending the wrong message.

People wonder why violence, sex, drugs and cussing are such major issues in today's society. They should take a gander at the films that the youth and general population are watching today. No matter what movie you choose to see you'll see smoking, drinking, sex, drugs, swearing, and violence. It's ridiculous the amount of exposure we get on a daily basis. Whether from the news or films or video games. We're exposed every second of everyday except in our sleep and it's really quite scary if you think about it. I believe our society and everything in it really needs to be reevaluated and we need to start over fresh.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Why Oh Why?

As I'm writing this blog my beau and I are watching Sweet Home Alabama. I'm sitting here on the couch and a question popped into my head. "Why are all chick-flick lead chick cliques the exact same?" There is always the female lead, who is the most gorgeous female in the film, then there are who two best friends, either a foreign or "abnormal" girl and a gay man. It never fails. There's always the weird, wacky, sometimes foreign, friend who keeps the female lead on her toes and inspires them to live their life to the fullest and the gay guy friend who dresses them, gives them relationship and fashion advice, and keeps their spirits up when the plot line threatens to crush their very existence. I cannot believe that I never realized that before. It's the most often commonality other than the plot lines! I mean the consistancies between in these movies with the character types, the plot lines, and the characters themselves...it is absurd.

I can think of quite a few examples right off the top of my head of films and even TV series that fit that 3 friend commonality.

Sweet Home Alabama
Because I Said So

Bride Wars
Under a Tuscan Sun
Devil Wears Prada
Will and Grace
Sex and The City

Now some of these may deviate a little from the commonality buy adding a friend or two or switching the girl friend to a guy but the character types all remain true to line. I can't help but wonder why? Do you know?

I wish just once that someone would come up with something a little more origional. Something that deviates from the norm and that breaks the ice and opens up the door for films that don't have identical plot lines. I wouldn't care if it started a new trend and that films began following that plot line (for a while anyway) as long as we got to have some variety. Don't you?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fireproof....life changing...literally

I know I have written about specific movies for the past few weeks but I am going to ask you to bear with me because I am going to write about one specific movie again this week. For one, I really truly enjoyed this movie and two because I am completely out of ideas otherwise and I need one more week to brainstorm. Sorry! I apologize in advance to you guys reading this week's blog because this is truly more of a "chic flick" than any of my other picks so far.

So yesterday, I watched Fireproof with Stephen and we both decided that it is a great movie, as long as you can survive the slightly cheesy acting sprinkled throughout it.

Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a heroic fire captain cherishes service to others and dedication above and beyond everything. As a firefighter, he knows that you never leave your partner behind, but the most significant partner in his life, his wife Cathryn, played by Erin Bethea, is beginning to spark with what promises to turn into destructive, hate-filled flames. Caleb's father however, is determined to help his son find his way back to Jesus and back to loving and cherishing his wife like he did when they were first married. He sends his son "The Love Dare" which is a 40 day "activity/book" that gives the reader a task and verse for each day. The reader must attempt each task and do so with their whole heart in order for the dare to be successfull. It's a challenging, trying task that really tests the readers heart and motives, especially in the first twenty days. Caleb finds Jesus, his love and his forgiveness on day 21 and from there he truly wants to prove to his wife that he still loves her and wants to be with her and he goes at the remaining 18 days with all his heart. He succeeds but not without thinking he was too late to win back his wifes trust and love. His father, and mother, brought him and his wife back to the faith and to each other.

You cannot give love away to someone that you do not have yourself.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Seeing as how this coming week is Spring Break for the universities, it is only appropriate to write about a couple of romantic comedies that occur during Spring Break vacations. While I have never done ANYTHING, let alone anything exciting or adventurous, for Spring Break, I've heard some wild tales and thought up some pretty fantastic and even some outrageous plans. Most movies about Spring Break are horror, based on true stories, or comedies, I have found a few that are considered to be romantic, even if they are documentaries or somewhat of a horror film.

The Real Cancun, made in 2003, was designed to be the first true reality feature film. It stars Brittany Brown-Hart, Benjamin Fletcher, Nicole Frilot, and 13 other American college students all portraying themselves during an adventure of a life time. After being cast from auditions all across the country, these 16 students ventured south to experience first-hand what Spring Break is "all about." They were followed to Cancun, Mexico by 6 camera crews who filmed their exploits as they immersed and indulged themselves in the Spring Break activities.The students were filmed 24-hours a day for a week it shows planned group activities, intimate interviews, and spontaneous individual exploits.
While I've never seen this film, I wouldn't be so quick to judge until viewed. You never know what you might discover...

The next film I found is Girl Happy. Produced in 1965, this is one of the Elvis heart-throb films that, while not known for being wonderful works of cinematic masterpieces, it was a huge box-office hit. Girls lined up around city blocks for hours to get in to see Elvis and his thrusting, gyrating hips, and hear his sweet, serenading voice. Elvis and his band and friends are singing on the beach with throngs of girls all around in their beach attire jumping up and down and swaying off his every word and move. There's also a scene where Elvis and his buddies are in two convertables and they're weaving in and out. Now, the songs may not be memorable, but hey, who doesn't love an Elvis film I mean come on?! He is the King afterall!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Murph's Picks

So far, I've written mostly about the industry or the processes of the industry. This week however, I just want to talk about a few of my favorite films and the reasons why they are my favorites.

I am a fan of movies in general and I like the action and comedies just as much as the love stories. The top three of my favorite romantic comedies go as follows (from 1-3):

*Nights in Rodanthe
*Sweet Home Alabama
*Bringing Down the House

Nights In Rodanthe is the movie version of Nicholas Sparks' book Nights In Rodanthe. The two main roles of Adrienne Willis and Dr. Paul Flanner are played by Diane Lane and Richard Gere. The chemistry those two actors have on screen bring the movie to life. Adrienne, a separated mother of two, escapes for a weekend to a friend's inn in the town of Rodanthe on the outer coastal region of North Carolina to watch the inn and to figure out if she wants to take her cheating husband back or get out of the choatic relationship once and forall. The day she arrives, a major coastal storm is forcast for the weekend and she goes to town to buy supplies and catch up with a few old friends. Shortly after she returns to the inn, the weekends only guest for the weekend, Dr. Paul Flanning arrives. He is there to confront his own inner issues and to find a way to reconnect with his estranged son. Since they are the only two at the inn, their meals and free time is spent with each other and the romance of a lifetime errupts with beauty and passion that turns their worlds inside-out as they ride out the costal storm and the storm of life together. I suggest having your hubby, boyfriend, junkfood, favorite blankets, and PLENTY of tissue on-hand for this tear-jerking movie.

Sweet Home Alabama is DEFINITELY one of my favorite romantic comedies. Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas, and Peter Dempsey couldn't have portrayed they're characters any better. They were perfectly cast in this film as their characters Melanie Smooter (Witherspoon), Jake Perry (Lucas), and Andrew Hennings (Dempsey). Melanie leaves her husband, family, friends, and life in Alabama and sneaks off the New York City to fullfil her dream of being a high-end fashion designer. In her five years there, she meets, courts and becomes engaged to the mayor's son, Andrew Hennings, and has to sneak back to Alabama to force Jake to sign the papers for their divorce. Once she's back in the south however, she realizes that the life she thought she was too good for so many years ago, was actually the life she wanted all along. I love this movie because it is the perfect example of how you can run all your life from true love and your past but eventually, your destiney takes control and you are taken over by what is meant for you.

Bringing Down the House with Steve Martin, Queen Latifah, and Eugene Levy is hilarious! Queen Latifah, Charlene Morton, is wrongfully convicted of a bank robbery and seeks the help of Steve Martin, Peter Sanderson-a hoity toity lawyer, and his assistant Eugene Levy, Howie Rottman to reopen her case and prove her innocent. Peter "highers" Charlene to "nanny" his two children so that she is safe and so they can work on the case. With Charlene, an African American tossed into the high-life white society class, Peters personal and professional life goes through a series of changes and events that are both comical and life-changing. They end up teaching each other more than is expected and become life-long friends. It's a great story about society and life's funny way of teaching us its lessons.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

*BEEP*BEEP*BEEP* The Following is An Important Announcement

Broadcasting reports are written in a much different form than any other written work. They are written in a very simple, to-the-point manner. The broadcasting scripts contain: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. There might be a few quotes or added details thrown into the report but nothing too much until the exact, full story is known. The viewers do not see what is written down so the report does not need to be complete sentences complete correct spelling. The two most important factors of the broadcast are clarity and brevity. Clarity is self-explanatory, it means that the information is clear and concise. Brevity means that the length is brief.

One way to make the information clear and a quick read is by following the Pronunciation Guide for Announcers. This is a way of making the pronunciations of words easier to observe and say by making the sounds of the consonants and vowels more obvious. A few examples include:

~using AY for a long A as in "gate"
~using EYE for I as in "chime"
~using Z for hard S as in "disease"
~using J for soft G as in "general"

The only reason that punctuation is used is to help the announcer annotate the report. The use of other symbols ( %, &, #, etc) are prohibited. They only marks allowed in the printed copies are commas, periods, question marks, dots, dashes and quotation marks. The only reason to use hyphens is when letters are to be spelled out and not read as a word.

Broadcasting reports are used for talk shows, news on call, news conferences, news releases, video news releases, and multimedia news releases. The structure is universal for every one of these different media releases. Even though they are the same for each media type, the messages can contain differing details depending on the sources of information.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Production Companies

Production companies are the backbone of the movie business. They are the names on the cases and film rolls when you buy a DVD or purchase a theater ticket. Their multi-building complexes are where the built movie sets are put together and maintained, where filming takes place, and where they are edited and made into the final piece which we, the audiences, see after months of the first scene shoot. They are a large source, if not the main source, of the money which goes into the films many aspects.

The "Big Six" film production companies include: Fox Entertainment Group (News Corporation), Paramount Motion Pictures Group (Viacom), Sony Pictures Entertainment (Sony), NBC Universal (General Electric & Vivendi), Time Warner (Time Warner Inc.), and Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group (The Walt Disney Company). The names in the parenthesis are who owns the film production companies. Under each one of these companies, there are smaller divisions and other companies that they may have acquired by trade or buying them out.

Because of the amount of involvement of the production companies throughout the movie-making process, they receive a healthy amount from the success of the movie; not only in monetary reward but also the publicity and or/praise. Although publicity can often hurt a company, it does not usually hurt them enough to effect their income or their reputation. Every company has a plunker at every now and then and it is not their fault. The success of a film is in the hands of the audiences. What the audience likes and what the audience wants is what the audience likes and what the audience wants. If a company misses a small aspect once in a while, it results in a not-so-popular film. But the companies are resilient and bounce back quickly and smoothly. Their resiliency is outstanding and will continue for many years to come.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Knowing How To Write....PrOpErLy

Anyone can write a sentence but it takes an educated person to properly construct a sentence and make the paragraphs, papers, books, or press releases they are intricate pieces of. The three most important components of sentences are: grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If one of these crucial elements is missing, the person writing or speaking the piece will sound utterly uneducated. In today's society, unfortunately, this is becoming a frequently more common occurrence. The English language is despairingly being reduced to slang and grunts. Not many people are taught to appreciate the grace and elegance of a purely spoken language, English or not. A purely spoken language can be moving, convincing, romantic, and even harsh.

The only people who presently make sure that they speak or write correctly are those who are writing or giving speeches or books. Half the time, grievously, they don't succeed. It is one of my pet peeves when people do not speak correctly or write poorly. My father was an English teacher for three years before he started teaching Social Studies, Geography, Psychology, and Economics. He drilled it into my two younger brothers and me growing up. It stuck with me more so than my younger siblings.

As an example of those who speak poorly, one of my favorites is, sorry to those of you who like(d) her, Alaskan Governor: Sarah Palin. Senator John McCain chose her as his running mate for last years' presidential election. If a member of the public listened to any one of her speeches, they would understand why it irritated me to so much to have to listen to her butcher the English language. It bothered my father as well; we had great many-a-joke about her and her education and speech skills.

All three of the components that are critical to proper speech and/or writing are constantly screwed up. I am not saying that I am perfect in these categories by any means, however, I do what I can to make sure that I am as close to "perfect" as possible.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players...or observers

"Angelina! Ms. Jolie! Angenlina Jolie! Let me say that dress is STUNNING! What did you do to prepare for this role? What attracted you to this caracter or this particular script?" Those are questions and statements you can hear shouted at ANYONE of the numerous movie celebs starring in films these days at non-other, than the infamous Hollywood Movie Premiers. Before a movie can be released to the masses of viewers world wide, it has to be "premiered." That means that all of the stars of Hollywood and the producers, agents, families, and friends get to view it first and have a red carpet enterence and parties afterward. There are premiers every week, every day in Hollywood and all over the world, but still, sometimes, companies go ALL OUT for the premiere of their movies. Making them larger-than-life and throwing away millions for just a few hours of before and after activities...plus the screening of course. There are circus performers, singers, bands, artists, and so much more along the walks towards the enterance of the theater. But reguardless of whether or not the premier is overblown, the actors and actresses get all dolled up in Emy-worthy gowns, accessories, and tuxedos.

Only few lucky people get to experience a real premiere in their lifetime. I think it'd be a great experience. See the "stars" up close and personal, see a movie before anyone else, be treated like they do for once. People go to extreme lengths to experience even just a day of what celebreties events are like.

After the premier, the critics get to screen it and publish their thoughts, feelings, and takes on the film. The more the critics approve of the art piece, the more the audience sees and spends on the movie. If a movie makes a killing in the box office, then the actors, directors, producers and everyone else involved in the production of the film get a "little" extra spending money in their pockets. However, if it dies in the box office, it can still make sales off of the DVD release.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


As America's public, we all know that the paparazzi and media can sometimes be shameless and unforgiving. We see how they follow, sometimes stock, celebrities and important societal figures. No matter how deeply the actors, millionaires, and political figures want their private life private and left out of the eyes and knowledge of the public, most of it finds it's way into our worlds. In my opinion they should respect privacy and check facts before printing but causing turmoil and making loads of money for their bosses and themselves. They do anything from swarm outside of clubs, restaurants and houses, to climbing over yard fences and sneaking into hotel or spa rooms.

Some stories aren't true, some stories are, and some are half and half. The members of the paparazzi don't necessarily double check their sources. That's where managers and production companies come into play. To put rumors to rest and clear up the air.

Now, I've been a little unfair. Not all media and news is faulty, false or gotten through force or other means not approved. There isn't only bad publicity there is also good publicity. The kind that movies, books, music, politics and companies strive for. With good publicity, their business thrives and there is money rolling in the doors.

Before there is a premiere of a film, there is a viewing of it by critics and a review is sent out. As it travels its course of release, many more reviews are published and this greatly effects the success of the film and money pulled in by the film and production company. If a film recieves great publicity and reviews, then it is typically a success, if only in the box office.

Previews also contribute to the success of a film. If it is well put together and keeps the audience guessing as to what actually happens in the end, then you've got a great selling tool.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


If you are like me and you enjoy a great, even a good, movie, then you've realized that many plot lines are quite similar. (I personally believe that we're running out of creative ideas and are making new twists on old ideas and remaking old movies but hey, whoever said that was wrong?) Anyway, to me, romantic comedies basically all go a little something like this: girl meets boy-girl falls for boy-girl or boy screws up-girl and boy split-girl or boy learns a lesson-and wait for it, wait for it, the big finale: GIRL AND BOY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER! Maybe there are a few variations but I wouldn't bet money on the fact that one romantic comedy differs from that basic story line.

Most romantic comedies are sexy, hilarious (obviously), and there is always some form of deception. If the main characters do not have chemistry then the audience will not root for the couple, fall in love with the romantic couples, and the movie is not a hit.

There is an obstacle in every film that either one or both of the characters must overcome. It can be a lie that one or the other has told, it could be a history that is complicated, or a "secret" about who they are or what they do.

One of my favorite romantic comedies is Just Like Heaven because it puts a new twist on the romantic comedy. The female romantic character is a doctor at the local hospital and has been in a coma for the last three months. There have been no changes in her bodies condition in that time period. So her sister decides to let a man rent her apartment on a month-to-month lease. The man lost his wife a few years earlier to a cerebral anurism and does nothing but sit on the couch, watch tv and drink beer. He can see her spirit and communicate with her but no one else can. They spend a week getting to know each other and trying to help her spirit remember who she is and what she did. They discover what she does and where she works when she gives her romantic "partner" save a mans life in a restaurant. After they see her body they start trying to figure out ways to save her from having the breathing tube removed and discontinuing the life support and also how to reconnect her spirit with her body. They finally do it when the romantic interest is stealing her body to prevent her from being taken off of life support and he kisses her body because the tube is accidentaly removed in the scuffle to aprehend him. She wakes up miraculously but does not remember him. In the end, he returns her key and when their hands meet and she remembers. They end up together.

That just met all of the points I pointed out in the beginning, however, it's a slight twist in how it is presented.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Romantic Comedies...do they really work magic?

So the stereotype goes a little something like this: a boyfriend dumps you: watch a romantic comedy or tragedy and cry, lose a job you loved: watch a romantic comedy or tragedy and get angry then cry, OR just a night with the girls you: watch a romantic comedy, eat junk food and talk about guys. And come on girls, how many of you can HONESTLY say you've never done any of those...or just needed a good cry so you play the best romantic comedy you can find and grab the box of tissues.

Now guys will argue that we're "just being typical girls...crying about every little thing" (another stereotype), but they are too proud and macho-so to speak-to admit that it feels good and relieves a lot of stress, anxiety, and pressure. So you know what guys? Maybe you'd feel a little better and your stress levels would be lower if you actually dealt with stuff verses pushing problems aside and not dealing with them. Life isn't meant to be observed from the back seat, it was meant to be driven and lived to the fullest! It's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. If what you need to feel better and carry on is to cry it out and just let go of it all then what's the shame or weakness in aiding that process a little bit with a romantic comedy?!

Do they really work magic? Some might call it that but others call it a tool of relief. They reason that it can't be magic because you see it happening, can actually predict the whole plot if you watch enough of them. But as for me, I am going to continue to believe in the magic of a good healing cry-no matter if it's aided by a romantic comedy or a song.