Sunday, April 5, 2009

Why Oh Why?

As I'm writing this blog my beau and I are watching Sweet Home Alabama. I'm sitting here on the couch and a question popped into my head. "Why are all chick-flick lead chick cliques the exact same?" There is always the female lead, who is the most gorgeous female in the film, then there are who two best friends, either a foreign or "abnormal" girl and a gay man. It never fails. There's always the weird, wacky, sometimes foreign, friend who keeps the female lead on her toes and inspires them to live their life to the fullest and the gay guy friend who dresses them, gives them relationship and fashion advice, and keeps their spirits up when the plot line threatens to crush their very existence. I cannot believe that I never realized that before. It's the most often commonality other than the plot lines! I mean the consistancies between in these movies with the character types, the plot lines, and the characters is absurd.

I can think of quite a few examples right off the top of my head of films and even TV series that fit that 3 friend commonality.

Sweet Home Alabama
Because I Said So

Bride Wars
Under a Tuscan Sun
Devil Wears Prada
Will and Grace
Sex and The City

Now some of these may deviate a little from the commonality buy adding a friend or two or switching the girl friend to a guy but the character types all remain true to line. I can't help but wonder why? Do you know?

I wish just once that someone would come up with something a little more origional. Something that deviates from the norm and that breaks the ice and opens up the door for films that don't have identical plot lines. I wouldn't care if it started a new trend and that films began following that plot line (for a while anyway) as long as we got to have some variety. Don't you?


  1. People like the norm, and leaving this is risky, and if not widely accepted, a waste of money. We stick in our comfort zone and fear to venture from it. This is based off of North Dakota, as well as the older we get the less and less you are going to go outside of your norm. Getting back to movies, If its not something we are comfortable with, it will be under fire, and get bad reviews.

  2. I agree! I noticed the same thing. All movies have a relatively similar style and plot line. Even Disney movies are all like each other. That's why I was so glad when Juno came out! It's totally different from anything out there and it's based in Minnesota...hello?! Awesome! It dealt with a growing problem and concern (teenage pregnancy) but instead of being like every teen pregnancy movie out there and keeping the baby and having a life changing moment she gave up the baby and went back to normal life. Not everything was perfect and all fine and dandy. And it was still pretty hilarious!

    I honestly think that people are running out of things to make movies about. (Which is why we're getting so many sequals and remakes!)

    Good point....i love your blog. :)
