Friday, May 8, 2009

Bashed In On All Sides

Have you ever stopped to think about how many different forms of media there are out there today? I mean, really stopped to think about it; as in, you've sat down, made a list then sat back and uttered a barely discernable: wow! Well, I did today as I worked on homework for 3 different classes. The number of individual "mediums" is astounding. It blew my mind today when I actually focused to see just how much we are having thrown at us and from how many different angles.

First off, here is the list a came up with this afternoon: (I probably should've just kept working on homework, but let's face it...I/we have been doing that non-stop for the past three weeks now and it was TOTALLY a break worth taking--gave me my blog idea didn't it?)

`phone calls
`text messages
`social web-sites
`bathroom stalls
`bus and van sides
`airplane banners

I am sure there are many more that could be added to the list but that's all my stretched, taxed mind could think of.  We wake up and media smacks us in the face. The TV, our phones, our books, our drive to and from work or school, our computer, and anything else you could possibly imagine subject us to multiple forms of media every second possible.

With all of the media we consume in a day it is amazing that we do not spew random bits of information at random times. It is amazing that girls even know what the "self-confidence" means; we do not have it, but we at least know that it exists.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many different kinds of media out there that things are getting crazy! You can never get away from it anymore! I know that media is something that is very important in everyone's day to day life now, and we can't go a day without using some aspects of it, most of the time multiple aspects of it. I definitely agree with the your last paragraph there.. it is crazy that us girls know what the word(s) self-confidence mean(s). It would be interesting to see how many people think they own this, and those who actually do.
